
Federal judge rules in favor of drugmaker in HPV vaccine case


CHARLOTTE — A federal judge granted summary judgment in favor of Merck for part of the litigation involving the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. The rest of the case is still going on.

Some patients claim the drugmaker rushed the vaccine to market, hid serious side effects, and exaggerated the vaccine’s effectiveness..

The court said Gardasil is “remarkably effective,” the vaccine “has prevented innumerable deaths,” and “no scientist could reasonably conclude there is a causal association between POTS and POI and Gardasil based on this paucity of evidence.”

You may recall that Charlotte has been the epicenter of this major national legal battle.

Merck emailed Action 9, “The evidence that Gardasil does not cause POTS and its associated symptoms or POI is consistent and overwhelming. It includes data from the manufacturer’s clinical trials in tens of thousands of people, data from independent, real-world epidemiological studies conducted in hundreds of thousands of people, and worldwide consensus of medical, scientific, and regulatory bodies that have reviewed all the available scientific evidence to date.”

VIDEO: Action 9: Local women sue Merck after allegedly suffering side-effects from HPV vaccine